Flap Discs

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Advantages of WINGS Flap Discs

Long life
Low noice
No vibration
High efficiency
Maximum utilization
No burning of the piece
No stumbling of the disc
Suitable for various applications
Less changing offers saving from labour cost

Zirconium Flap Discs :

They provide optimal cutting and a very good performance on steel,alloy,non-ferrous material,casr iron,wood and plastic.

Aluminium-oxide Flap Discs :

They are for surface grinding of steel ,cast iron and non-ferrous metals,They are suitable for removal of lacquer and primer and cleaning of weld-spots.

WINGS flap discs have two types of fibreglass base plates allowing various applications for different industrial areas.

The straight offers optimum grinding capacity and very long life.They are particularly suitable on surface grinding because of straight arrangement of flaps.The conical design allows users to work on curved,lubricious and primed surfaces.They keep their stability when used for edge grinding.

The normal life span of one flap disc is 20 times higher than a reqular fibre disc as this considerably reduces the downtime and increases the productivity.

36-60-80-100-120 115*22
36-60-80-100-120 180*22
36-60-80-100-120 115*22
36-60-80-100-120 180*22
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